Meet our caring staff 

Jen Ward


Office hours

Tues & Thurs 9:30 - 3:30

Wednesday 11:00 - 3:30

Friday by appointment


Pastor Jen is the mother of two children, Cecelia and Steven. She has a degree in business management and a masters in counseling as well as a masters in Divinity from Wesley Theological Seminary. She worked for Coldwater UMC in many capacities prior to her seminary years. Pastor Ward also was director of a homeless shelter that served Branch County. She helped create a Youth Ministers Association as well as a female pastor’s group. She served Jonesville UMC and then moved to Pennsylvania to attend seminary, while serving a two-point charge for three
and a half years.  In addition to all of this learning, Pastor Ward has served in numerous volunteer roles including Domestic Abuse Shelter, Girl Scout Troop leader, Hospice, and Kiwanis - offering assistance across all age ranges.

Sherry Haueter

Office Admin

Office Hours:

Tuesday - Thursday

9:00 am - 3:00 pm

Jonny Ellis

Director of Music

Amara Parisian

Nursery Coordinator

Nursery care is available 9:30 - 11:30 on Sundays for children aged 0 - 5. We use a safe sanctuary policy in which there are always 2, unrelated adults supervising children at all times.

Missy Brace
